
(Michael S) #1

The dark side of feminine hygiene

Introducing Organyc: the natural choice for the everyday woman


he organic bandwagon is well and truly on a roll. Last
year, British women spent an extra £1.4 million a week
on organic products.
Not only are our shopping baskets being filled with
non GM, organic foods, we’re now savvy enough to
understand the nasty side-effects chemicals can have on our
delicate skin. Organic skincare sales have gone through the roof
in the past five years, with the majority of women now seeking
friendlier, non-fragranced and natural versions of their favourite
beauty products.
With this in mind, why don’t women extend their natural and
organic purchasing choices to every part of their health and
You may be surprised to learn that many well-known, popular
feminine sanitary products are made of mostly synthetic materials,
derived from oil, plastics or cellulose fibres from wood pulp.
Traditional sanitary protection and feminine hygiene products
may also contain chemicals and artificial fragrances to disguise
unpleasant odour. Furthermore, SAPs or Super Absorbent
Polymers, which whilst doing their job to absorb liquid better, are
also made from polymers that are derived from crude oil.

Organic vs GM cotton
The cotton used in traditional tampons, sanitary pads and panty
liners may not be certified organic. But what does that matter?
Well, according to Dr Marilyn Glenville, one of the UK’s leading
women’s natural health experts, it matters a lot. She reckons 50%
of the world’s cotton is now genetically modified (GM), so unless
the cotton is certified organic, tampons can likewise contain GM
cotton. They may also contain chemical residues from pesticides,
fungicides and herbicides that have been used on the cotton, or
contain material bleached with chlorine.
Understandably, Glenville is a firm believer in natural intimate
care. “I think feminine care is one area where we need to pay
particular attention,” she states.

Introducing Organyc
Organyc, a range of organic and natural feminine care products,
is on a mission to educate women about the importance of using
organic feminine hygiene products. Unlike most brands, its range
contains no synthetics, no SAPs or synthetic materials. All products
are made with 100% organic cotton.
A completely natural fibre, cotton is one of nature’s most
absorbent materials. Not only is it hypo allergenic, cotton is naturally
breathable due to its unique structure and actually becomes
stronger when wet, keeping you dry and comfortable for longer.
“Sanitary products and especially tampons come into contact
with delicate tissues that have direct entry into your bloodstream,”
states Glenville. “Anything you put inside you will be easily
transmitted. No risks should be taken.”

Find out more at:


The average woman uses approximately 11,000
tampons in her lifetime, and most will contain
countless chemicals and synthetic materials. Organyc’s
only have one ingredient - pure organic cotton. From

Did you know that conventional sanitary
pads can contain the equivalent of
approximately four plastic bags? Organyc
uses 100% organic cotton, allowing your
body to breathe, whilst being extremely
kind to sensitive skin. From £3.09

Contains gentle, pure ingredients, which
don’t strip the skin of its natural oils, such
as organic calendula and chamomile
extract, as well as organic aloe vera and
cornflower to cool and refresh. £6.95



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