
(Michael S) #1

om mind

Meditation Teacher

Training starting soon:

Snowdonia 19-24 Jan
London 17 Dec or 7 Jan

Rated in top 5
meditation retreats
in Europe
by National
Geographic Traveller

Dru third page.indd 2 27/10/2016 10:37


ind power has
many benefits
across the globe.
From generating
clean energy to
providing abundant electricity, wind is an
overlooked wonder of the world. Maybe
it is because we cannot see it. However,
when wind is present, we tend to want to
get out of it. The relationship we have with
wind is significant. While we may welcome
a warm breeze, or feel competent in using
it as a sustainable source of energy, we
also recognise the wind can be vastly
As one of the five elements, wind (air)
not only sustains life, its attributes are
linked to our sense of intelligence and
creativity. Without enough, we lack verve.
Without any, we perish. With too much,
we are unable to keep our feet on the
ground, both figuratively and literally.
If you are feeling stuck, heavy, or
suffocated by life’s burdens, you need
to harness the energy of the wind. If you
feel as if your life has been blown out of
proportion, you need to quiet down your
internal gusts.
Practice the following meditation to
balance your wind element. For each

meditation, begin in a comfortable
position without external distractions.
Preferably out of the wind!

Do it now

Imagine your lungs like the fabric of a
hot air balloon. See the balloon only
partially inflated, with the basket of the
balloon (your spirit) skipping across the
ground, unable to take flight. Next, bring
your attention to your breath. Slowly
begin to lengthen each inhale. Visualise
the balloon swelling with air. Now, see the
balloon lift off, carrying your spirit high up
into the sky. Allow your consciousness to
catch a second wind, and let your mind
drift among the clouds of inspiration.

If it is comfortable, come into Child’s Pose
and place your forehead on the floor.
Bring your attention to your exhalations.
Allow each exhale to be long and slow.
At the end of your exhale, pause for
just a moment. Invite your bones to feel
dense and heavy. Imagine during this
pause, everything within you is calm and
still, even if the world around you seems
blustery. After every inhale, know that
with each exhale to follow, you will return
to feeling grounded and connected to
the Earth, protected and safe from life’s

Breathing is a brilliant way to balance
your wind element. Focus on your
inhalations when you crave energy,
savour your exhalations when you need
to find stillness. Easy breezy!

Jill Lawson is a writer and yoga teacher in
Colorado, USA (

“Breathing is a
brilliant way to
balance your wind
element. Focus on
your inhalations
when you crave
energy, savour your
exhalations when you
need to find stillness.”
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