Yoga JournalUSA-January-February_2017

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y 2017

YOGA JOURNAL Issue 289 (ISSN 0191-0965, USPS 116-050), established in 1975, is published nine times a year (February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November, December)
by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., an Active Interest Media company. The known office of publication is 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301. Annual Sub scription: U.S. $21.95; Canada $33.95;
overseas $43.95. Single copies U.S. $5.99; Canada $6.99. Agreement number 40063731 assigned by Canada Post. Periodicals Postage Paid at Boulder, CO, and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Yoga Journal, P.O. Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235.

take OM HOME

  1. Scrub away the old Get glowing with Esalen’s signature body scrub. In the shower,
    scrub your skin from the neck down with a mix of 1 cup each sea salt and baking soda (add
    two drops lavender oil for extra calm). Next, sink into a bath infused with a pot of herbal
    tea, such as comfrey leaf; rinse off with cool water. “This removes impurities and cleanses
    your auric field,” says Deborah Anne Medow, Esalen’s healing arts department manager.

  2. Release tension Most of us store stress in our jaws and around our eyes, so Medow
    recommends a facial self-massage to let it go. Lie on your back and rub your hands
    together to generate heat; place your palms over your eyes. Bring your fingertips to
    your third eye and move them across your forehead in opposite directions a couple
    times. Next, run your middle fingers under your eyebrow ridges, gently around your
    eyes, and back up over your eyebrows. End with small circles where your jaw hinges
    and “you store everything you wish you’d said, but didn’t,” says Medow.

  3. Gather energy Esalen guest yoga teacher Janet Stone stays grounded at the
    retreat with Bhumisparsha Mudra, or “earth-touching gesture.” From a seated
    position, place your right hand on your heart, and your left fingertips on the earth
    in front of you. Close your eyes, inhale, and send energy into your hands. On the
    exhale, feel nourishment from both your heart and the earth.

Start the year healthy, grounded,
and refreshed with these transformative self-care
tips from Esalen, the iconic yoga and massage
retreat center on the stunning seaside
cliffs of Big Sur, California.
By Tasha Eichenseher

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