Yoga JournalUSA-January-February_2017

(ff) #1


Kat Fowler is a New York City based yoga teacher
known for her lighthearted and inspirational style
of teaching that encourages personal expression,
inner connection and courage through movement.
She teaches classes and teacher trainings in New York
City at Pure Yoga and Yoga Vida, privately and online.
Learn more about Kat at

in the New Year

Q: What is the importance of breath in yoga?
A: Our conscious awareness of the breath is what separates a yoga practice from gymnastics,
or any other type of movement or fitness modality out there. It’s the singular attention given
to our animating life force that gives us the ability to train and calm the mind’s restless nature.
That allows us to come back to that state of peacefulness, tranquility and equanimity that
always exists inside us. Breath in yoga is the bridge from the gross to the subtle realm, the
physical to the metaphysical, and becoming consciously aware of our breath during our yoga
practice is our ability to cross that bridge, and return home.

Q: My 2017 resolution is...
A: To not eat as much pizza. (just kidding... sort of.) My 2017 resolution is to give myself the
space in the morning to wake up and have at least 10 minutes of peace and quiet, without
emails and texts and to-do lists, every day.

Q: What advice do you those looking to recommit themselves to their practice
in the new year?
A: Set goals that are consistently achievable, and don’t be too hard on yourself. If you know
your work or family schedule is intense, don’t aim for a four hour practice every day. It’s the
smaller changes that make the biggest difference when practiced consistently. Simply setting
the intention of having even just 1 minute of silence or breath awareness or
meditation every day at the same time can change your life dramatically... and
if that feels achievable, up it to 5 or 10 minutes. Try a peppermint essential oil
to help clear your mind and focus. It’s the smaller actions, practiced with
conscious attention and consistency, that make all the difference.

Nature’s Truth® Essential Oils are for external use only and are not meant to be ingested,
not as a reflection of our quality, but rather to keep our customers safe and healthy.

Breath & Intention

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