Yoga JournalUSA-January-February_2017

(ff) #1


Sit with your legs extended in front of you. If you have tight
hamstrings, place a blanket underneath your sitting bones.
Flex your feet, lengthen your waist, and on an exhalation,
reach for the outer edges of your feet. (If you can’t reach
your feet, bend your knees as much as needed.) On your
next exhalation, bend your elbows out to the sides to draw
your rib cage forward, moving farther into the fold. Take your
time entering the pose, not forcing anything. Focus on pay-
ing attention to each incremental movement in the posture.
Inhale to return to seated.

5 SALAMBA SIRSASANA Supported Headstand

From Balasana (Child’s Pose), interlace your fingers, keeping
your elbows shoulder-distance apart. Press your forearms
into the floor and place the crown of your head on the floor
between them, maintaining a natural curve in your neck.
Inhale to lift your hips, and then walk your feet in a few steps.
Bend your knees as you draw your heels to your seat, then
extend your legs overhead. For newer practitioners, simply
walk your feet toward your face with your head on or off the
floor. Make sure there is no pressure on your neck. If there is,
come out; if not, stay as long as possible, gradually building
up to 5 minutes. Wait for your internal dialogue to kick in, and
sit with what arises. Whatever comes to the surface, stay still.
When you are ready to exit the pose, slowly lower your feet
to the floor and rest in Child’s Pose for several breaths.


OUR PROS Teacher and model Heather Lilleston is a vinyasa-
teacher-training and retreat leader based in Venice Beach, Califor-
nia, and New York City. She has studied extensively with Rodney
Yee, Colleen Saidman Yee, Sharon Gannon, and David Life and
now travels the world teaching yoga. You can find her schedule
at Writer Kate Siber is a yoga student and
freelance writer based in Durango, Colorado.

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