
(Darren Dugan) #1
Why did you start yoga
I came to yoga as a way to deal with the death of
my dad. I didn’t want to be at home and, needing
something to distract myself, I started going to the
gym every night, and then to a yoga class outside
of the gym; I loved it and began to take yoga
classes every night instead. Then a friend took me
to a mindfulness class at a studio near me called Yoga
at the Mill in Chelmsford (where I now work) and it was incredible. I felt such a deep sense
of peace afterwards, I just knew yoga was something I wanted to share with everyone.
When my practice began to deepen and I started to understand the asanas and the
anatomy, I began to ‘feel’ my body all the time – I knew when I was tensing my shoulders
or jaw. I could feel myself breathing!

How has yoga changed your life?
After months of seeing my dad fight and lose his battle with cancer, yoga was an hour
to myself where I could switch off and slowly begin to heal. I applied for the 200 hour
intensive yoga course with the amazing Simon Low and his Yoga Academy. Two years and
four months later I quit my day job and took the plunge to teach yoga full time and work
with my best friend on our business The Sphere (

Favourite yoga haunts
My yoga teacher (Lucia Cockroft) asked me to help at her retreat a year ago and I
could participate in classes. We were in legs up the wall in a beautiful converted barn
with big glass walls and all I could hear was the call of two owls. It was one of those
moments were you are aware that you are alive, and breathing, and everything was
so overwhelmingly beautiful and peaceful I cried! Another favourite place is the studio
where I work and practice. I’m usually early, so I roll my mat out, eyebag on, and take an
extra five minutes Savasana!

Best yoga moment
I have two (I’m sure there will be more!). The first when Lucia asked if I wanted to teach
at her studio. I couldn’t believe she was asking me to teach yoga to other people paying
to come. I’m so grateful and thankful to her for believing in me and giving me the
confidence to say to myself, ‘Okay, let’s do this!’ The second was when I graduated from
the Yoga Academy. After two years - and mostly hating anything to do with anatomy(!) -
I’d finished. I stood there with my certificates thinking ‘oh my god...what do I do now?’

Anything else
Taking the steps to hand in my resignation to a job that paid the bills, to now teaching
what I love, was terrifying but I am so thankful and grateful that I did. If you love it, then
do it. Nothing, except yourself, is holding you back. My favourite saying is this: “Once you
make a decision the whole universe conspires to make it happen.” That’s pretty incredible.




Don’t hold yourself back says
Sophie MacDonald

NAME: Sophie MacDonald

AGE: 28

OCCUPATION: Yoga Teacher,
(teaching for three)

om beginnings
[email protected]

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Yoga & Walking 26–29 May

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