
(Darren Dugan) #1

February often heralds the first signs of spring; the first shoots may start to appear as the
warmth returns with the increasing power of the sun.
This month is time for some purification and cleansing so that we can emerge from winter,
stronger, brighter, warmer versions of ourselves. A wonderful oil to use for purification is
Niaouli oil, Melaleuca viridiflora. Niaouli oil was traditionally used to purify water and is the
perfect oil to use to purify your home or yoga studio. Place 300ml of distilled water in a spray
bottle, add 5ml of Niaouli oil and then spray liberally to purify your space and let the anti-viral
properties of Niaouli remove any germs. To purify and cleanse the mind this month, place a
couple of drops in a diffuser and spend some time in meditation – the Niaouli oil will help to
clear the mind and improve your ability to concentrate. Use a couple of drops only, as Niaouli
is very stimulating, and light a candle to honour the rebirth of the sun and to think about all
the new things that are on their way. Niaouli oil is also very good for clearing the respiratory
system, so perfect for any winter colds or flu that are still lingering. Place a couple of drops
in a vaporiser or in some grape seed oil and then rub in into the neck and chest area to help
alleviate symptoms. Always use in small quantities as it’s a stimulant.

By Julia White

Niaouli Essential Oil
(Melaleuca viridiflora)

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