
(Michael S) #1


Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
Take Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) to the right. To move into Ardha Chan-
drasana, bend your right knee toward your right foot and slide your left foot along the floor until
you can center your weight above your right foot. Place your right hand on the floor beyond
your right toes and to their right. Keeping your right knee bent and your left leg straight and
firm, lift your left leg until your heel is slightly higher than your hip. Place the leg in line with your
hips, angling neither forward nor back. Keeping your right knee bent, rotate the front of your
pelvis up toward the ceiling by contracting the right buttock where it joins the leg. Then care-
fully turn the rest of the upper body toward the ceiling, one part at a time, in this order: waist,
chest, shoulders, neck and head together, and finally, eyes. During this turning process, imagine
a vertical plane centered on your standing foot and running through your entire body. Rotate in
a way that keeps your body—especially your pelvis—bisected by this plane. Straighten your
standing leg only after all the other aspects of the pose are complete. Equalize your
weight between the heel and ball of the foot. Hold the pose for 30 to 60
seconds (or even longer as you grow stronger and stabler).
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