
(Michael S) #1

We all know how good it feels to
get our tootsies rubbed. But foot
massage as a facial? Yes, says
Melanie Sachs, an Ayurvedic life-
style counselor and the author
of Ayurvedic Beauty Care (Lotus
Light Publications).
“Foot massage can relieve eye
strain, relaxing and opening the
face and allowing our beauty to
shine through easily,” she says.
Her words are backed up by the
classical Ayurvedic text the
Ashtanga Hridaya, which identi-
fies four major nerves in the feet
that connect to the eyes.
Holding and massaging your
feet with your own hands can
help reintegrate the subtle-
energy pathways flowing be -
tween the upper and lower
body. And well-massaged feet
connect more completely with
the earth when you stand or sit
with your feet on the ground,
giving your whole being a more
stable and relaxed foundation.
Plus, says Sachs, “Well-oiled
feet are also more protected
from cracking and peeling,
reducing chances for fungal
and bacterial infections.”
First, create a foot soak that
meets your current needs, using
one of the following recipes:
to cool down Fill a foot tub
with cool water and mix in a
tablespoon of honey and a hand-
ful each of dried lavender and
fresh rose petals. You can also
use lavender or rose essential
oil. This will soothe the mind.
to warm up Fill a foot tub
with lukewarm water and add
1 teaspoon of ginger powder.
This will invigorate the body
and increase circulation.
to relax and rejuvenate
Fill a foot tub with very warm
water and add 3 tablespoons

give some good
vibration to
your foundation


Our eyes both perceive and
reveal our beauty. A regular
eye-washing practice can leave
them clear and bright, says
Geetha S. R. Harigeetham, ND,
who was the house doctor at
Rasa Ayurveda, a now-closed
women’s clinic in Kerala, India.
(Full disclosure: I founded Rasa
Ayurveda.) Also, she notes, bath-
ing the eyes can help rejuvenate
tiny muscles that have been
taxed by computer use or driving.
Harigeetham recommends
infusing your washing water
with triphala. The Ayurvedic
herbal powder—made up of the
amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki
fruits—is a blood purifier and
whole-body rejuvenator, and it
has properties that support the
ophthalmic nerves and eye
muscles, she notes.
After the washing, consider
applying the dark eyeliner
known as kajal (also known
as kohl). “Kajal reduces glare
in bright light, sharpening the
vision, and encourages the
growth and darkness of eye-
lashes,” Harigeetham explains.
If you choose an Ayurvedic
herbal formulation—such as
the Shahnaz Husain Kohl Kajal
Eyeliner ($8 at shahnaz, which contains
almond oil and flower extracts—
you’ll also be nourishing and
strengthening the tissues
around the eyes, she says.
First, prepare the triphala infu-
sion by boiling 1 teaspoon of
triphala powder in 1 cup of water
for about 10 minutes. Allow the
mixture to cool completely;
strain thoroughly.
first bathe Wash your face
with cold water. Then, using a
cupped palm, bathe each open
eye with cool triphala water
3 times. Rinse the face with a bit
of pure water and pat dry.

then cover Layer organi-
cally grown rose petals, cucum-
ber slices, or cilantro leaves
over each closed eye. (Choose
whichever you like; all 3 are
cooling and refreshing to the
eyes.) Place a cotton pad over
each eye; tie a band of muslin
cotton or a bandanna around
the eyes to create a loose
eyeball it Lie back in Sava-
sana, relax, and envision some-
thing beautiful. Then, keeping
your eyes closed throughout,
do 5 cycles each of these five
eye exercises:
✷ Rotate your eyes
✷ Rotate your eyes
✷ Move your eyes in a
figure 8, looking to the
upper left, lower right,
upper right, lower left.
✷ Look straight up and
then straight down.
✷ Look left and right.
then rest Now, relax your
efforts and breathe for 20
minutes. Re lease the blindfold.
Immediately direct your vision
to a beautiful sight, object, or
photo that makes you feel calm
and connected. If you’re using
kajal, apply it now.
As you transition back to
your day, allow your vision to
remain “soft,” letting the scene
of the world come to you with
effortless focus. If possible,
avoid harsh lighting. Let your
inner vision come forward.


wash away
cloudy vision


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