
(Grace) #1

Hastapadangushtasana - Supine I B (Hand-Foot-Toe Pose)

The sense of achievement, acts like a tonic in a small way.


  1. Lie on the back (supine); feet and head straight; keep arms alongside the body.

  2. While inhaling 2 seconds, raise both arms at right angles; palms facing the legs.

  3. While exhaling 2 seconds, raise both legs; knees straight; try to touch or hold

  4. While suspending breath 4 seconds, hold posture with knees straight; do not

  5. While inhaling 2 seconds, return to the starting position. (Do 3-5 rounds)

Creates abdominal compression; improves blood circulation of legs; strengthens
the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, back, hip, leg, knee, ankle and calf; reduces the
waistline, constipation, muscular aches and certain spinal / hip disorders.

Cardiac problems; hypertension; severe arthritis; hernia; piles; acute hip problems;
acute or resolving lumbar disc prolapse. (Take guidance for disorders of - back, hip,
leg, knee, ankle, other joints, and abdominal/ pelvic/ reproductive region).

Note: In Hastapadangushtasana - Supine I B, if one cannot touch the toes then hold
any part of the legs, keep knees straight, feet flexed, feel the stretch on the calves.

Variation: Before doing Hastapadangushtasana - Supine I B, beginners can do
Hastapadangushtasana - Supine I A (the same method but with one leg at a time).

Cultural Posture,
for Extremities.

Bhava (Attitude):
Jnana (Knowledge)
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