
(Steven Felgate) #1


Keep in touch

Love OM magazine and want to tell

the world? Here’s your chance

Mountain woman
Living as I do in the Pyrenees, some dozens
of kilometres away from the nearest yoga
studio, I must admit I find it hard to sometimes maintain the
momentum of a regular practice and to keep immersed in
the yoga vibe. Therefore I wanted to write to say thank you
for OM magazine online and the wealth of diverse articles
it provides for readers like me with few resources. It is like
taking a dive into the warm ocean of remembrance each
time there is a new issue! So thank you and please keep up
the good work.
Jill Cartwright, by email

Competition time
I just returned from the two week holiday
I won in your competition (Ashtanga
Retreat with Greg Nardi and Juan Carlos at Purple
Valley, Goa, India). This has to have been one of the
best holidays I’ve ever had! I was greeted on my arrival
with such friendliness and warmth and was shown
to my en suite room in the Savasana House which was lovely, bright, clean
and comfortable. The whole retreat was superb, set in lush tropical gardens
with hammocks, cushions and hidden chill out areas. The vegetarian food was
delicious and different every day, made with the freshest Indian ingredients
which were a delight to the senses. My schedule was, at first, quite a shock but
I soon came to appreciate rising with the dawn to go to meditation at 5.30am
followed by Mysore practice at 6am each day. Fridays were particularly special
as it was a full guided Ashtanga (primary series) class. Thankfully, the turquoise
pool kept us all cool in the midday sun. In the afternoons there was chanting at
3.30pm where we gradually worked our way through the Sutras of the 1st book
of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and then at 4pm a workshop. I think I learnt more
at these workshops than I had ever learnt at teacher training! Both teachers
were so generous with their knowledge and their assistance during Mysore
was invaluable. All of us took advantage of the ayurvedic hut where the best
massages and pampering were available at very low cost. I met some wonderful
new yogis who I think will be forever friends. We took trips to the famous
Goan markets and had lazy days at quiet, beautiful beaches. Some of us even
appeared on the front page of the Goa Times following a guided walk for the
local community charity, ‘Live Happy’. I am now a true devotee of Ashtanga
and can’t wait to continue my practice back home on the Isle of Man. Thank
you OM for hosting this competition that gave me such an incredible, awesome
experience. I am so truly grateful, happy and blessed. The colour, smell and
warmth of India is infectious and I will most definitely return.
Janette Alexander, by email

OM Letters, Prime Impact Events & Media,
Park House, The Business Centre, Earls Colne
Business Park, Colchester CO6 2NS

What you said
about us on
social media

om beginnings

Pre-yoga teaching
smoothie and a read of the
new @omyogamagazine at
@crepeaffaire after a busy
and active first day back
post-break. Just my 5pm
vinyasa class at
@sweatybetty Bristol then it’s
home time! Restocking the
fridge with healthy food after
a rather debauched weekend of puddings...

[email protected]

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