
(singke) #1

neutralizing moVements

Neutralizing poses are important for long-term injury prevention; it allows
the body to return to its neutral position. Be aware of pressure alert points and
listen to your body - do neutralizing movements after slowly coming out of the

Supta Jathara Parivartanasana / Supine Spinal twist (Block Variation)

From the supine position, bend the knees and lift the hips to slide a block
under the hips. Allow the lower back to arch and the hip to extend; keep the
arms by the sides of the body. Bend the right knee and bring the heel on to
the left thigh (above the knee). Inhale and on exhale, bring the right knee
to the floor on the left side. Look towards the right side and aim to keep the
right knee and right shoulder on the floor. Release the pose by bringing the
knee back up and repeat the pose on the opposite side.

Marjaryasana / Cat Pose

Come to the knees and hands with the back flat, hands
directly below the shoulders and knees directly under
the hips. The hands are flat and fingers are pointing
forwards. Inhale and on exhale, round the back and
push the chest in and the chin down, creating a nice
hunch on the back. Hold the pose for a few breaths.

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