
(singke) #1



Morning light rises across the dark room

like the sun up over the ocean.

Forming a cup with my palms

I pour my head into it,

let my legs spill against gravity,

uncurling toward the sky.

Standing the world on its head

everything I know is upended.

What I believed was inevitable—

what I once thought was solid

what I perceived as impossible—

the map of certainties

drawn on the sand of life

upturns in the tide.

King of all asanas,

everything is right where it should be

when the crown of my soul

rests blissfully in my palms

and I’m born

head-first to the world again,

like the sun over the Pacific,

taking my time

to rise.

Yoga Poem

All poems (c) Leza Lowitz, reprinted with permission
from Yoga Heart: Lines on the Six Perfections published
by Stone Bridge Press.
author Bio: Award-winning author Leza Lowitz opened
Sun and Moon yoga in Tokyo 13 years ago. She credits
her yoga and meditation practice with deepening her
creativity, discipline and compassion. Her books Yoga
Poems: Lines to Unfold By, Here Comes the Sun (A yoga
memoir about adapting and adopting in Japan), Up from
the Sea, a YA novel about Japan’s 2011 tsunami, and Jet
Black and the Ninja Wind, an epic about the last female
ninja’s fight to save her ancient tribe, are all #1 amazon
The Artwork was done by M/s Akiko Tanimoto. Akiko
Tanimoto draws yoga poses with ink (墨) and brush
(筆). She is a yogini and learning suiboku-ga. Please visit
her website:
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