MaximumPC 2005 12

(Dariusz) #1





he staff at Maximum PC watched in
horror as first Hurricane Katrina, and
then Hurricane Rita pummeled the Gulf
coast, killing more than 1,000 people and
destroying the homes, towns, and even cit-
ies of thousands more. Yet our hearts were
warmed by the stories of the heroes who
came to the aid of the hurricanes’ victims.
And more than ever, we recognized the invalu-
able contribution of charitable organizations,
such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army.
We wanted to do something to help. So we
embarked on a mission to raise money for
these charities that save the day in disaster
zones, by doing what we do best—building
kick-ass PCs.
These are two of the fastest PCs money
can buy. The gaming PC we assembled is
lightning-fast, and the hand-crafted small
formfactor rig combines the raw speed of an
all-around performer with the silent running
you can only achieve with a mobile processor.
We’re going to auction these PCs on eBay,

then donate 100 percent of the proceeds from
the gaming rig to the Salvation Army and all
the proceeds from the silent machine to the
Red Cross. We’ll post details of both auctions
at on November 15.
Of course, we couldn’t have built these rigs
without the good will of vendors throughout
the PC industry, who donated parts and time
to help make these machines a reality. All of
the participants are listed on page 60—their
contributions are much appreciated!
Mind you, this is the first time ever that
hand-built machines by Maximum PC edi-
tors have been available for sale. Each one
was built with care, is completely unique, and
bears the signature of every editor. This is your
once-in-a-lifetime chance to own a piece of
Maximum PC, and best of all, it’s for a great
cause! If you’re not in the market for a new rig
right now, consider the next couple of pages a
roadmap to your next hardware upgrade.
Now, turn the page to see what we’ve
cooked up!


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