Competitor - June 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

The DownsiDes

You can push yourself too hard
“There are pros and cons,” Jermyn says.
“Certainly, competitive people can risk
pushing themselves too hard.”

That’s especially true if you show up for a
group run not quite ready for what you’re
getting into or you try to keep up with
people you have no business keeping up
with. That’s why Tuhabonye has people fill
out questionnaires about their fitness and
recent results, and even do a test to find
out where they’re at with it.

One size doesn’t fit all
Both CARA’s programs and Gilbert’s
Gazelles workouts are coached in-person,
with many of the athletes training for the
same race. That means the plan is both
created by a certified coach and struc-
tured for the specific race, with the ability
to make adaptations for an individual’s
paces or needs.

But not every running group has a coach;
many are simply informal collections of

friends. And even if there is a coach, it
doesn’t necessarily mean the workout or
the plan is the best one for you. (Although
it’s still better than no workout and no plan.)

Plus, by definition, along with doing a certain
workout, a group meets at a certain time and
place. All those things might be convenient
or right for you, or they might not.

You won’t learn to suffer alone
Training with a group is fun and pushes
you, but when it comes time to race, you
have to race on your own. There’s a school
of thought that sometimes you need to get
out there on your own and learn what it
takes to battle through the tough days.

All those issues are real, but Jermyn points
out that most elite athletes train in squads
precisely because they want the support
and company. The day-in, day-out grind can
be hard, and a group makes it easier.

“The best marathoners in the world all train
in a group,” Jermyn says.

GeTTinG sTarTeD

Before you lace up your shoes and
set your alarm clock, “do your home-
work,” Tuhabonye advises, to figure
out what group is right for you and
what is expected.

You can search for groups on the web-
sites of Road Runners Club of America
or USA Track and Field. You can also
ask at a running shop, talk to other run-
ners, or check out local race and expos.

Then you’ll want to talk to the person in
charge to make sure you know what to
expect—where will the route go, do you
need to bring food or water, what kind
of gear is necessary for this workout.
And it may take a couple tries to find
the group culture that’s right for you:
some are more performance oriented,
some are more laid-back.

If you do it right, “joining a group is
like joining a family,” Tuhabonye says.
That comes with all the good and bad
of a family.

Training 45

first lap

CM0617_T_FIRST LAP.indd 45 5/11/17 11:04 AM

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