Competitor - June 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

workout of the month







By Michael Jacques

Excerpted with permission
from One hour Workouts:
50 swim, Bike & Run
Workouts for Busy
athletes by Scott Molina,
Mark Newton and Michael
Jacques (VeloPress, 2010).

Scale effort race Pace
RPE 1 Easy Slower than normal training pace
RPE 2 Moderate Normal training pace
RPE 3 Moderately Hard Marathon pace
RPE 4 Hard 10K race pace
RPE 5 Very Hard 5K race pace and faster

Rate of PeRceived exeRtion Scale

No sport benefits from leg speed like running
does. Regular leg speedwork not only improves
your basic speed but also actively stretches mus-
cles and tendons in a specific manner, which
means in the long term you’re much less likely
to sustain running injuries. But it gets better: Leg
speedwork can also improve your basic ability!
Think about it: If you can improve your
stride length by 2 centimeters (approximately
16 meters per mile) and your cadence by two
strides per minute (approximately 23 meters
per mile), a runner with a 10K personal best of
40 minutes could improve by close to a minute.
That can be achieved not by training harder, but
simply by implementing leg speedwork.
If this sounds like you—and why wouldn’t it?—
then use this workout to pick up more leg speed.

diStance deScRiPtion

10 min. Easy running RPE 1

6–10 ×
20–30 sec.

Sprints at 90% effort RPE 4–5
Run easy for 5 min. between reps

10 min. Easy running RPE 1

These sprints can be 20–30 seconds across
a park, or they can be 100–200 m on a running
track. They are fast, but not 100 percent, about
the pace you would race 400 m. But this is not
an effort session; it’s a technique session. You
will huff and puff a bit at the end of each sprint,
but the 5 minutes of easy running between reps
should help you to recover fully so you can get
through the session without undue effort. This is
crucial because any fatigue will undermine your
ability to run fast with good technique. To pro-
mote speed without undue effort, this workout is
best done with a tailwind or on a slight downhill.
It’s the kind of workout you can do year-round
because as well as building leg speed and helping
avoid injury, it’s a great final speed workout in
the five days before a race and for maintaining
speed between races.

How FASt IS too FASt?
There is a fine line between a leg speed workout and an anaerobic workout. To avoid a
crossover you need to do this workout just under maximum sprint speed and with 5 minutes
between each sprint. ideally the pace is around the speed you would race a 400m sprint. You
could establish this pace by doing a 400m time trial or use the following table to estimate leg-
speed pace per 100m based on your 5k personal best.

5K PB 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

pace/100m 15–17 sec. 16–18 sec. 17–19 sec. 18–20 sec. 19–21 sec.

5K PB 22:00 23:00 24:00 25:00

pace/100m 20–22 sec. 21–23 sec. 22–24 sec. 23–25 sec.

PacinG GUide

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