Develop short-range discipline
Holing out from inside five-feet is all about process,
discipline and repetition. Many golfers rush short putts
or don’t give them their full concentration. Any practice
routine for these length putts should recreate the
pressure and importance of holing putts of this length
out on the course. Again, there are plenty of drills for
short-range putting, but whichever one you choose, start
with easy two-footers to get some confidence and build
up to a distance of about five-feet with ramifications for
missing. For example, you could make it a goal, say, to
hole 50 short putts in a row with the penalty of starting
from the beginning if you miss.
QAvoid casually hitting short putts. They’re important
on the course so make them important in practice
QGo through your pre-putt routine on every short-
range practice putt to get used to the focus and
discipline you’ll need out on the course
QKeep track of your stats so that you always have
a measurable goal to aim for
Rehearse your
pre-putt routines
on yourtechnique, don’t
neglect your pre-putt routine.
To hole putts consistently,
you need to read greens, aim
the putter and create your
address the same way each
time. Rehearse this process
until it’s second nature.