OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om yoga teacher training guide

Dawn Morse outlines ways to keep on top of the formal and

academic aspects of a teacher training course


nrolling onto an adult training course can be both an
exciting and challenging time in your life.
Many people enrol onto a training course in order to
start a new chapter in their life, and are keen to meet
likeminded people, who share a common passion. As a
result, many students meet close friends on their training course
who become a valuable support network once they have graduated
from the programme.
One aspect of the training programme that can, however, prove
challenging is the academic aspect such as essay writing or practical
and theory assessments. This is often due to being out of education
for a number of years.
When we are in full time education studying and assessments are
second nature. But when we have been out of education for some
time, the thought of essay writing or being assessed on a new skill
can fill many people with apprehension and self-doubt. This can
become even more daunting when juggling a training course with full
time employment or family life, or both.

Changing Direction

Here’s how to negotiate the academic
aspects of your course:

Share your ambitions with family and friends
Sharing your goals with family and friends will enable them to
provide you with support and encouragement. Let them know when
your assessment deadlines are so that they can help you by giving
you some quiet time, helping to look after children, taking the dog
for a walk or helping you revise or to take part in practice sessions.
Once you have completed your course they can then of course help
you celebrate your achievements.

Be prepared for the course
Most adult learning courses will set pre-reading or pre-course
activities. Take the time to find out what your pre-course
requirements are, and schedule in the time to complete these tasks.
Take the time to order any course text-books and a note pad and
folder before the course starts, along with any specific equipment
that you may need during the course.
Completing these activities prior to the start of the course will
enable you to start the programme feeling organised and with a
positive mindset.

“Sharing your goals with family and
friends will enable them to provide you
with support and encouragement.”
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