OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


Good news guys. Mindfulness is not
just about easing stress or counting your
breath, it’s about strength, performance,
and excellence too, says Neil Seligman

Why men need


en are now starting to take more of an interest in
mindfulness, but are still heavily outnumbered by
women (as shown by a recent survey from the US,
which found that men were half as likely to engage
in the practice) - but why?
On the whole, men tend to be less motivated towards
introspection having been socialised to give off an air of confidence
and invulnerability. It follows that for some, even trying mindfulness
can feel like an admission of weakness. There may also be a fear,
that to look within could open a Pandora’s box of emotions and
baggage, that we may feel ill equipped to deal with. If mindfulness
asks us to turn towards the difficult, to embrace our challenges and
discomforts such that we might know them a little better, this can be
a tricky proposition for guys, particularly if they have adopted the
role of a macho Superman.
Mindfulness in its modern format comes from a clinical setting,
steered by doctors and psychologists motivated to help their
patients with anxiety and mental health ailments. As a result, it
tends to be hailed as a cure-all for the mind (which, largely, it is) but
this doesn’t come close to telling the whole story. Improved mental
health is just the tip of the mindfulness iceberg, but those sticky
clinical associations, which are tied in with the mindful message,
can be off-putting for men, who might consider that there is nothing
wrong with them, so don’t need a fix.

Power up
So here’s the thing. Mindfulness is not just about stress, anxiety
and counting your breath – it is also about strength, performance,
and excellence.
My motivation for over 20 years of mindfulness practice was
not sorrow or despair (although when those came along, it helped
hugely) it was to further explore my two passions: witnessing the
unfolding of human potential, and the pursuit of excellence. I
wanted to be both powerful and peaceful at the same time. I didn’t
see many role models for this in the world. It was mindfulness that
showed the way.
So for all the guys who have not yet found a place for mindfulness
in your day, allow me to tempt you.

1 Mindfulness improves your
performance in the sack
Let’s face it, we would all like to be better lovers. The ability to


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