OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om living


ater is the second
most popular drink in
the US – after (yes,
you guessed it) fizzy
drinks. A shocking
statistic when you consider that our love
of sugary drinks is one reason for soaring
levels of obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke and
many other serious health issues.
And that’s not even taking into account
the rising popularity of specialist coffees
served in most high street coffee bars
laden with calories, sugar and fat – which is
contributing to our expanding waistlines and
the health problems that go with it.
All reason enough to ditch the sugary
drinks and make water the number one
beverage of choice. But did you know that
water is also a great pick-me-up and is one
of the best health and beauty products
around. Here are five reasons to drink more
of it:

Boost your brain power
Around 85% of our brain is water, so being
dehydrated literally shrinks our brains. Even
by 2% is enough to reduce your attention,
concentration, coordination and memory
skills – not forgetting those dehydration

Perk yourself up
In a food and mood survey of 200 women,
backed by mental health charity Mind,
80% reported that drinking more water
helped them mentally and emotionally. Not
surprising, when you consider how much
dehydration stresses the brain. What’s more,
2% dehydration can also affect physical
performance – making water a good all
round pick-me-up.

Save on calories
Studies suggest that women who drink more
water are likely to weigh less. This makes
sense given that simply swapping sugary
drinks for water (yippee, calorie free!) could
save you more than 200 calories per day.
And with some specialist coffees containing
a whopping 500 calories, drinking water
instead could save another quarter of your
recommended daily calorie intake.

Eat less
Hunger and thirst are easily confused -
another reason why drinking more water can
help with weight loss. What’s more, studies
show that filling up with water before or with
meals can reduce the amount of calories

Look more youthful
Did you know that one third of your skin is
made up of water? So one of the best beauty
aids around is staying hydrated. It keeps
your skin cells plump and looking brighter,
and can help banish blemishes and improve
skin tone and clarity. Plus water is a good
deal cheaper than all those expensive anti-
ageing creams many of us slap on every day.

How much is enough?
But how can you ensure you’re drinking
enough water, especially during the hot
summer months? A rough daily guide is
eight glasses for women and 10 for men.
But this depends on a number of things,
not least how warm it is and how active you
are. A sensible guide is to make water your
main drink of choice and to drink little and
often. If your pee is a pale straw colour- as
opposed to dark or clear - you know that
you’re getting it right!

Dr Sally Norton is an NHS weight loss
consultant surgeon, health expert and writer

What if you don’t like drinking water? Here are
some ideas to spruce it up.

When life gives you lemons simply add them to
your water. A splash of lemon can bring a fresh
and delicious new twist to your water

It doesn’t have to be lemons, of course. Try
throwing some cucumber in, or mint, or apple,
to liven up the flavour of your water.

Hugely popular among the yoga and wellness
communities right now, and a natural
alternative to sugary sports drinks.
Free download pdf