Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1
we have a chance to play
with opposites. For exam-
ple, we learn how to root
down into the earth in
order to rise up toward
the sky, or to empty the
breath in order to feel the
fullness of that void. We
can also use our practice
to embrace the opposing
concepts of peace and pos-
sibility. After all, peace is a
feeling of being in harmony
with the world exactly as
it is, whereas possibility
implies that there is some-
thing we’d like to attain.
Learning to hold both
peace and possibility in
our hearts can help us bal-
ance the art of actively cre-
ating with letting go and
trusting the process. It
means we can be OK with
life unfolding, rather than
getting caught up in con-
trolling it (and experiencing
the resulting frenzied, anx-
ious expectation).
I created this sequence
while I was in Baja, feeling
both peace and possibility
in my heart. I felt light and
grounded, present and
hopeful. To me, the peak
posture in this flow—
Grasshopper Pose—repre-
sents these qualities. The
sequence leading up to it
helps open the hips and
oblique muscles, while also
developing hand balance. SEQUENCE CONTINUES ON PAGE 69

By Eoin Finn


A home practice to

3 Parivrtta Trikonasana
Revolved Triangle Pose
From High Lunge, straighten your right leg and,
on an exhalation, bring your left hand to the floor
inside your right foot. Then, twist from your torso
as you press your outer right hip back, which
should intensify the stretch of the gluteus medius
and iliotibial (IT) band. Keep your left toes active
to help elongate your spine. Stay here, breathing
deeply, for 45 seconds.

4 Parsvottanasana
Intense Side Stretch Pose
Bring your hands to either side of your right foot,
which should be facing forward. On an inhalation,
lengthen your spine. On an exhalation, fold forward
from your hip joints while reaching out through
the crown of your head. Stay here for 45 seconds,
breathing tension out of your hamstrings.

2 High Lunge, variation
Step your right foot forward between your hands
and come into High Lunge. Keeping your shoulders
square and your hips level, focus on the stretch in
your left hip flexor. Either reach both arms up or,
if it feels safe for your joints, deepen the hip-flexor
stretch by taking your right hand to your outer left
thigh. Stay here, breathing deeply, for 45 seconds.

fi nd peace & possibility

1 Eka Pada Adho Mukha
Svanasana One-Legged Downward-
Facing Dog Pose
Come to Downward-Facing Dog Pose and hold
for 5 breaths, making any movements you need to
settle into the pose. Then, on an inhale, root down
through your hands and lengthen your right leg
toward the sky. Press through your right heel and
use your diaphragm to create traction in the spine.


practice well


june 2017
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