Asana – Issue 172 – April 2017

(Joyce) #1


Seated Internal Shoulder Stretch

  1. Sit cross-legged on the floor.

  2. Raise the right arm and bring the right hand to touch the upper back, the
    elbow pointing up.

  3. Hold the right elbow with the left hand. Inhale and on exhale, extend the
    right side of the torso and pull the right elbow towards the left side, behind
    the head, and arch sideways.

  4. Stay in the stretch for a few light breaths, and come back to the centre.
    Repeat on the right side.

The below warm-up practices focus on shoulder movement, twisting and
hip opening, allowing the muscles involved to be adaptable to intense

Parivrtta Sukhasana /
Seated Twist

  1. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged
    position and hold the left knee with
    the right hand and place the left hand
    behind the hips. Inhale and on exhale,
    twist the torso to the left, looking
    towards the left shoulder.

  2. Press the left hand on the floor and aim
    to twist the upper body more, while
    keeping both sitting bones grounded.

  3. Hold the twist for a few lights breaths;
    return to the centre and repeat on the
    right side.

Utthan Pristhasana / Lizard Pose

  1. From tabletop position, bring the left foot to the front,
    coming into a lunge position. Keep the left foot flat
    with the ankle directly under the knee.

while allowing the hips to move closer to the floor.
Slide the back leg behind back a bit more to allow the
hips flexors to stretch.

  1. Keep the gaze forward and hold the pose for a few
    breaths. Release the pose by coming up to the hands,
    and practice the same pose with the right leg in front.

  2. Slide the right leg back and keep the knee on the floor,
    coming into a low lunge.

  3. Bring the right then left elbow to the floor, and let the
    torso and hips slowly move down.

  4. Press the elbows on the floor and engage the shoulders,

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