Asana – Issue 172 – April 2017

(Joyce) #1

asaNa Magazine | April 2017 33

Banarasana / Lunge - Quadriceps stretch variations

  1. Come into a low lunge position, with the left leg in front and the right knee
    back and on the floor.

  2. Bend the right knee, turn the torso facing right and rotate the shoulder
    outwards. Hold the right foot from behind, with the elbow pointing back.
    Keep the gaze forward, then slowly bring the torso facing forward.

  3. Inhale and on exhale, bring the right heel closer to the right buttocks.
    Hold the pose for a few deep breaths.

  4. Slowly release the pose and repeat on the left leg.

eligibilitY pose

The featured pose is easily accessible to those who can come into Pigeon Pose.

From the lunge position with the left leg forward and hands on
the floor, drop the left knee sideways, next to the left arm. The left
knee is straight from the hip and the foot close to the right side of
the hip. Tuck the right toes and pull the body backwards;

stretch and straighten the right leg back. Slowly sink the hips
down and keep the body weight in the centre. Shift the weight to
the right side to make the hips level.

Engage the back muscles and arms to push the body up, slightly
arching the back and raising the chin. Press the palms together in
front of the chest; inhale and on exhale, stretch the arms upwards.


  1. Start in Pigeon Pose and keep the
    hands on the floor for support.

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