Asana – Issue 172 – April 2017

(Joyce) #1

34 asaNa Magazine | April 2017

  1. Bend the right knee and with the right hand, hold
    the top of the foot. The elbow is pointing downwards,
    away from the body.

  2. Slowly move the right elbow outwards, rotating the shoulder
    so that the elbow is now pointing up. Drop the head back and
    touch the top of the head with the right foot. Keep the weight in
    the hips to keep them squared and the shoulders are parallel.

Final pose

The left hand reaches for the left foot; hold on
to the left foot with a good grip and keep the
weight equal on both sides of the hip.

TIP! Keep the eyes open to keep the balance easier
while in the pose.

  1. While keeping the balance, the left hand slowly
    wraps around the lower back with the palm facing

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