
(Barré) #1
Does the Pope Use a Mantra before Sunday Sermon?

Harry Sequeira

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrtyurma
Amrtyogamaya... (Lead me from untruth
to truth, lead me from darkness to light,
from death to liberation)

The Pope says that he found the
Mantra in the private Vatican Library,
where in one shelf, 14 books on Indian
spirituality are stored, including
various Upanishads. He continues that
he finds this Mantra especially soothing
as it transports him to the realm of the

Mantras are not new at the Vatican
Straddling the center of the Vatican
are the beautiful grounds in front of
the Vatican Basilica, whose ceilings are
painted by the great Michelangelo, and
I am told that in one of the scenes it is

Pope Francisco is a simple man. When
he ascended the seat of the Pope in
Rome, his papal suite was prepared for
by the Vatican. However, he declined
and stayed at the simple and austere
bed and breakfast hotel room in the
precincts of the Vatican, where he used
to stay while visiting the Vatican earlier,
before he became the Pope.

Pope Francisco is open to all religions;
his attitude is ecumenical. He has tried
to see the good in all religions. He has
a soft corner for our Upanishads and

Once a week, before his Sunday
homily (lecture/sermon) at the Vatican,
he mentally chants a Mantra from
the Upanishads, “Asatoma Sadgamaya,

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