
(Barré) #1

As a Sadhaka of yoga, one experiences a change. A Sadhaka learns the purpose
of life and relentlessly makes efforts towards selfless participation in activities,
towards remaining in the present and towards developing detachment. This change
is brought about by the Guru.

As a student of The Yoga Institute, one celebrates Guru Poornima everyday by
being grateful to the Guru Shri Yogendraji (Founder), Smt Sitadevi (Mother), Dr
Jayadeva (Doctor Saab) and Smt Hansaji. Faith in them and their teachings have
brought satisfaction and happiness in life.

With Guru Poornima let us welcome the monsoon season also! Charak Samhita
mentions use of barley and liquid form of Moong (green gram) or Masoor (Lens
esculentum). Masoor is second to chickpeas and black gram in nutrients. It has easy
to digest protein, B group vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Minati Shah

Masoor Barley Soup


  • 2 tsp Barley pearls

  • 2 tsp whole Masoor

  • ½ cup peeled and diced carrots

  • ½ cup peeled and diced tomato

  • 1 tsp Ghee or butter

  • 1 tsp grated ginger

  • ½ tsp cumin powder

  • ½ tsp lemon juice

  • 2 tsp finely chopped coriander leaves


1.Soak barley for 2 hours.
2.Wash and drain whole Masoor.
3.Add 4 cups of water and pressure
cook both for three to four whistles.
4.Heat the Ghee in a pan.
5.Saute ginger for a minute.
6.Add carrots and tomatoes, cook till it
7.Add coriander leaves and cumin
8.Add the cooked mixture and give two
9.Add lemon juice and serve hot.

Serving size: 2 people
Time for preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
(Recipe contributed by Aruna
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