La Yoga Ayurveda & Health — October 2017

(Elle) #1


Zoe Kors

Eden Goldman

I’ve learned from my travels
that while we all look different
on the outside, we’re all essen-
tially the same on the inside.
We all want ourselves and our
families to be healthy. We all
want to be successful, either
in career or in happiness. We
all have challenges of some
sort so we do practices to help
us stay balanced. And we all
want the best for our kids and
our loved ones.

When I travel, I like to take
on a different persona entirely,
or inhabit one particular part
of my personality. A completely
new environment affords me
the opportunity to explore the
nuances of my identity in a
playful way and with impu-
nity, because no one knows
who I usually am. Not only
am I taking a vacation from
daily life, but also my daily
self. While I learn about life in
a different part of the planet,
I am also learning something
new about myself.

We asked a selection of this month’s contributors the following question:

What is something unexpected that you have learned from your travels?

Jeff Perlman

Originally I was trained at
the Cordon Bleu in France.
I worked and traveled exten-
sively, experiencing the many
flavors of the world. This
career path ultimately burned
me out and, thankfully, I
transitioned to a lifestyle based
in Yoga and Ayurveda. Today,
as a Certified Iyengar instruc-
tor and Ayurvedic Practitioner,
I still travel; leading retreats
and furthering my spiritual
education but with balance.
My advice to myself and others
when traveling is: do less and
be present.

Sarit Rogers
and Writer

Whenever I travel, whether
far afield or close to home,
I maintain the attitude that
kinship is available to me
wherever I go if I move with
an undefended heart. I can
see the truth in people’s eyes
and I always find it. I view
Los Angeles as my studio and
playground. Amidst so much
diversity, light is always my
paintbrush, laughter is good
medicine, and connection is
always available.

Where I Pick Up
My LA Yoga

Fitness trainer and teacher training
student Maria Korcsmaros picks up
her copy of LA YOGA at Yoga Den
Health Spa
in Corona, where she is completing
her yoga teacher training.

Would you like to be featured in a
future issue of LA YOGA? Please send
us a high resolution photo of yourself
with the magazine at your favorite
location to see yourself in print.
Email us at: [email protected]

Where Do You Pick Up
Yo u r L A Yo g a?
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