Yoga Journal USA — December 2017

(Tuis.) #1


ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL Kundalini kriyas, or
sequences, for finding the strength to break bad habits
is a series of 13 poses called the Advanced Abdominal-
Strengthening Kriya. In part, this combination of movements
and breathwork gives you an exceptional core workout.
On a deeper level, it activates the third chakra, the energy
center at your navel that is the source of willpower, where
transformation and empowerment start. When this energy
vortex is active and balanced, you feel grounded; the
need to reach outside yourself to feel better is quieted.
Try the practice on these pages every day for the next
40 days—the amount of time it takes to encode a new pat-
tern of behavior, according to Kundalini theory. Mornings are
best, before you get pulled into the drama of the day. Make
this kriya your new habit and you will see negative thinking,

self-doubt, procrastination, and resentment—the feelings
often underlying addictive behavior—slowly melt away
and become replaced by contentment, fulfilment, freedom,
and the strength to follow through on whatever resolutions
or changes you want to make and keep in the new year.
Begin by chanting the Kundalini Adi mantra three times:
Ong namo guru dev namo (“I bow to the divine creative
consciousness within; I bow to the teacher within”). Start
slow, taking rests when you need to and gradually building
up to the times given for each pose. Keep the eyes closed
and focus on the third eye—the chakra or energy center
between your eyebrows. Deepen your focus by mentally
repeating Sat (“truth”) as you inhale, Nam (“identity”) as
you exhale. Make sure to pause for at least 30 to 60 sec-
onds after each pose.

Advanced Abdominal-Strengthening Kriya

Come to your back. Inhale slowly as you
pull the low belly in and lift your left leg to
90 degrees, toes pointed toward the ceil-
ing. Exhale slowly as you lower it down.
Place your hands under your hips if you
need extra support for your lower back.
Alternate left and right legs, and continue
for 3 minutes. This pose begins to spark
energy at the navel point.

Stay lying down, with your legs out
in front of you and your arms by your
sides. Inhale and bend your left knee
into your chest as you bring your right
arm up over your head. Exhale and
straighten your left knee, lowering
the leg and right arm back to the floor.
Switch sides and continue to alter-
nate, using long, deep breaths, for
3 minutes. Concentrating your aware-
ness at your navel point helps to build
energy around your third chakra.
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