Yoga Journal USA — December 2017

(Tuis.) #1


Extend your legs in front of you, arms resting by your sides. Lengthen the back of your neck. Lift your upper
chest, head, and arms off the ground and draw your chin in. Direct your fi ngers and gaze toward your toes.
Keep your lower back fl at against the fl oor as you lift the legs 6 inches off the fl oor, toes pointed. (If your
lower back bothers you, keep the heels lightly resting on the ground or place your hands underneath your
sacrum or sitting bones.) Hold for 2 minutes while doing Breath of Fire: First, inhale by relaxing the upper
abdominal muscles, allowing air to fi ll the lungs. Then exhale by quickly drawing the navel point and solar
plexus in and up toward the spine as you force the breath out. Take even inhales and exhales, and build to
2–3 cycles per second. (Don’t do Breath of Fire if you’re pregnant or menstruating.) Stretch Pose with Breath
of Fire can be calming and rejuvenating. By working on the third chakra, it boosts resolve and self-esteem.

Stay on your back and bring both knees
toward your chest. Arms are alongside your
torso, with the palms facing down. (Place
the hands underneath the sacrum or sitting
bones if you need to support your lower
back.) On an inhalation, thrust the right leg
out until it’s a few inches off the fl oor. Exhal-
ing, bring the knee back into the chest.
Switch your legs in a pistonlike movement
for 2 minutes. This pose balances the energy
of the navel and lower chakras.

Come back onto your stomach, arms alongside
your torso. Bend your knees and reach for the
tops of your ankles or feet. Inhale and kick your
shins back, lifting your thighs and chest off the
ground. Keep the back of your neck long and hold
for 2 minutes. Exhale and release. This pose draws
energy into the spine and improves digestion by
stimulating energy at the navel point.

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