Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

When you walk into people’s homes during December you are greeted with the scent of
Christmas trees...the freshly cut pine trees fill the home with their seasonal scent. So, to
enhance the festive month this month use pine oil. There are so many different varieties but
Pinus Sylvestris or Scotch Pine has a distinctive fresh, forest fragrance and has long been used
for its healing powers.
It is a wonderful oil for cleansing your home space or even your aura and makes people
feel comfortable in any situation. It’s perfect over the festive period when your home can be
filled with various people coming and going. It is also brilliant if you are feeling stressed or
overworked which is often the case this month. Place a couple of drops in a diffuser or straight
onto the radiator to cleanse your home and immediately provide you all with a calm and relaxed
environment. Alternatively, place a drop on each napkin at the table so that everyone benefits
from the calming and cleansing aroma.
The stimulating properties of the oil refreshes the mind and promotes positive feelings
and enhances overall wellbeing. Place a drop in some coconut oil and rub onto the wrists to
immediately uplift you and help beat any winter blues. Sit back,
unwind and allow the scent of Christmas to calm and relax you
and see you through the month. Avoid during pregnancy, with
epilepsy, kidney problems or sensitive skin.

Julia White is a yoga teacher
and aromatherapist

om beginnings

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Scotch Pine Oil
(Pinus Sylvestris)
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