om body
longer period of time, a new layer of effects
is discovered. In our daily life, our inner
attitudes and experiences are reflected in
the position of our physical body and how
we hold ourselves in various contexts. The
same thing in a sense happens in a reversed
order in the practice of asanas: every position
we put our body in induces a specific inner
feeling or perspective. By focusing on this
we can enrich our inner universe, and even
gradually transform the way we feel on a day-
to-day basis – for the better. Each posture
is in fact connected to the activation of one,
or sometimes two or three, of the chakras –
and knowledge of the chakras will turn our
knowledge of different yoga postures into
a toolbox for personal development. If we
feel we need more love or more courage or
more stability in our lives, we will know exactly
what chakra that belongs to and thus what
postures to practice in order to make it a
lasting reality and greatly transform our lives
for the better.
Soulful living
It was during an asana practice with
deepened awareness that I had the
incredible experience I started this article
with. It was the first of its kind for me and
admittedly came after years of practice.
Until then, what kept me practicing were the
many benefits I discovered as a result of my
yoga practice – including off the mat. From
being a rather moody person I became more
optimistic and balanced, I became clearer on
my priorities in life and felt more and more
in touch with myself.
Now, I have to admit, what keeps me
practicing are those states of consciousness
that make me discover myself and life in new
ways and that keeps every day fresh and
alive. They become more and more frequent
and the background of my life experience is
a silent unity. You might call it soulful living.
In conclusion, yoga approached in a more
meditative state – especially when combined
with pranayama and meditation techniques
- will gradually lead us beyond the
turmoil of our thoughts and allow us clear
perceptions of a deeper layer of ourselves.
We will discover an inner voice and guidance
beyond rational thinking, and the feeling of
an inner centre that leaves us more stable
and balanced in the face of life’s challenges.
We will begin to live in the land of the
present moment, where blissful happiness is
our natural way of being.
Maria Porsfelt is a yoga and tantra teacher
at Tara Yoga Centre (