Meditation: an age-proof elixir of youth. By Eryn Kirkwood
e don’t have to be told that certain changes
take place as we age. If climbing out of bed in
the morning requires a touch more ‘awareness’
than it did a decade ago, if forgetting where you
parked the car or where you put your glasses,
are common occurrences, then you know what I mean. To an extent,
these changes are natural and inevitable. Past the age of 60, most of
us wouldn’t dream of attempting the positions of the lithe bodies we
see in magazines. Thankfully, we don’t have to – we have meditation.
Although there is no ‘Buddha Pill’ we can consume to enjoy instant
and eternal youth (be wary of those who tell you there is!), science
has proven that the traits we typically associate with ‘old age’ can be
slowed, prevented, and in some cases reversed, through a regular
meditation practice. So, what are the benefits?
PREVENT STRESS-RELATED DISEASE: People at all stages of life
incur stress in one form or another. Unlike animals, humans have the
unique capacity to carry the memory of a stressful event long after
it has ended. Studies have shown that this subconscious imprint
alone is enough to trigger a stress response. Meditation trains the
mind to focus on the present moment, which is free of disturbing (or
pleasant) memories and fearful (or anticipatory!) concerns.
NORMALISE BLOOD PRESSURE: Over half of all US adults aged
55 to 64 years are hypertensive. Early research in the Journal
of Biofeedback and Self-Regulation showed that “patients given
[mindfulness] training show[ed] clinically significant and lasting
reductions in systolic and diastolic pressure” (Chandra Patel, 1976).
Meditation programmes that employ slow, rhythmic breathing
techniques are especially beneficial in this population.
IMPROVE MEMORY: The brain undergoes cognitive decline as early
as 30 years of age, and one of the first places this is most obvious
is in the limbic system, where memory is stored. The act of learning,
repeating (such as a repetitive mantra), and re-focusing your mind
sharpens mental acuity and helps prevent degenerative brain diseases.
Now, let’s bust the most common myths about meditation today,
as these may be holding you back from exploring this intriguing age-
old tradition.
MYTH #1: You require an hour of uninterrupted alone time
every day
Although formal meditation is incredibly powerful, you can reap the
benefits of a mindfulness practice throughout your day, standing
in line at the grocery store, or waiting for a dental appointment.
Mindfulness as a subcategory of meditation can be used anytime,
anywhere, to ease your mind when needed.
MYTH #2: People with busy minds can’t meditate
Truth: Au contraire! People with busy minds are the best candidates
for the practice! The ultimate goal of meditation is not to stop
thinking, but to observe your thoughts and redirect them in a more
productive way.
MYTH #3: Unless you have a profound realisation or life-
altering experience, you’re not ‘doing it’ right
Truth: If you pause for a moment to take a deep breath, repeat your
mantra, hear the sounds of nature, or feel your innate inner stillness,
then you are ‘doing it’ brilliantly!
MYTH #4: Meditation is only for extreme spiritual gurus
Truth: Some of the most famous, fascinating, and successful people
on this planet endorse a regular meditation practice: The Beatles,
Madonna, and Oprah—to name just a few.
Eryn Kirkwood is the author of Strong Body, Calm Mind: A Simple
Guide to Empowering Your Life with Yoga. Visit: