Australian Yoga Journal — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1


january 2018





perhaps a few OMs, at the end of class
there’s a feeling of completion and
accomplishment. Whether you’re
creating a sequence for your own
personal practice or you’re working
on something to teach your students,
understanding how sequencing works
is essential.
I’ve been practicing since the
Seventies and leading Yoga Teacher

Trainings since 2003. As my own
practice and method has evolved, one
of the ongoing queries is how to move
deeper into poses while staying
present to your own experience.
Students and teachers alike can
sense a good sequence because you
feel really good afterwards! There
are many methods for creating a
sequence: working towards a peak

pose has been popular of late; or the
well-rounded approach (a little bit of
everything), and even the more
random (whatever feels good right now)
approach. Certainly any true
method can be honed to a successful
outcome—what we really want is for
ourselves and our students to finish a
practice with a feeling of well-being,
strength and a clear sense of Self. While
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