Australian Yoga Journal — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1


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january 2018


5 Vajrasana

Thunderbolt Pose

Tuck your toes under and walk your hands
back until your sitting bones rest on your
heels. Place your hands in any position
that feels comfortable, close your eyes, and
breathe into the sensations. Hold for 10

6 Vasisthasana
Side Plank Pose, variation
Walk your hands forward, returning to
Tabletop. Step your right foot back and spin
it flat so the outer edge of your right foot is
parallel to the back of your mat. Walk your
left hand forward a few inches and spin your
chest open, reaching your right arm toward
the sky. Press down through your left palm.
Take 3–5 breaths, then repeat on the other

8 Utthita Trikonasana

Extended Triangle Pose

Come back to Warrior II on your right side,
then straighten your bent leg and reach
forward with your right arm before
lowering it to the floor or a block (placed
next to, or just behind, your right foot).
Press down through your right palm as you
raise your left arm skyward, stacking your
wrists and opening your chest as much as
feels comfortable for you. Stay here for 5
breaths, then return to Warrior II, and repeat
on the left side.

9 Temple Pose, Variation
Bring your hands to your hips and turn both
heels in toward your midline, externally
rotating your femur bones in your hip
sockets while pointing your toes outward
(to any degree). Bend your knees, and reach
your arms forward or overhead, coming
into Temple Pose. Press down through your
feet to straighten your legs, and bring your
hands back to your hips or heart center.
Repeat these squats 5–10 times.

10 Prasarita Padottanasana
Wide-Legged Standing Forward
Bend, variation
Step your feet about 1.5 metres apart, toes
slightly turned in. Interlace your fingers
behind your back; if that’s not accessible,
hold the end of a strap in each hand.
Hinging at the waist, fold forward over your
thighs. Stay here for 5–10 breaths. Option:
lower your hands to the mat, and place a
block between your legs. Bring one hand to
the block and send the other hand skyward,
opening your chest while keeping your hips
in a neutral position. Take 3–5 breaths;
repeat this twist on the other side.

7 Virabhadrasana II
Warrior Pose II
Come up to stand and step your feet about 4
feet apart, parallel to one another. Turn your
right leg outward 90 degrees and bend your
right knee, moving toward stacking it above
your ankle. (If your knee extends beyond
your toes, widen your stance.) Extend your
arms parallel to your mat, and gaze to the
front or over your right fingertips, whichever
feels most comfortable. Take 5–10 deep
breaths here, then repeat on the other side.
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