Australian Yoga Journal — January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1


january 2018

Strengthens your back; opens your shoulders and chest; stabilises your legs; improves
hip-flexor function; stimulates digestion and energy flow in your internal organs

1 Begin by lying on your belly with your arms in a cactus position on the floor. As you
inhale, gently squeeze your shoulder blades back toward each other. Then, progress by
lifting your chest, your head, and the top of your ribs off the floor. Exhale, and on your
next inhalation, lift your legs off the floor. Press your feet together and keep your legs
active and engaged. Bend your elbows as if squeezing them toward each other behind you.

2 While maintaining the lift in your chest and legs, bend your knees and bring your heels
toward your head until your toes are vertical above your ankles. Keep your hands open
with palms facing the floor, and squeeze the skin behind your shoulder blades to
engage the muscles in your upper back. Press your big toes and inner heels together.
Take 5–10 breaths. Slowly release to the floor, and then repeat at least one more time
before proceeding to step 3.

3 With your legs and arms lifted off the ground, prepare to move into a low-energy
Dhanurasana. Reach your hands back toward your ankles, and with your palms facing in,
gently catch them from the outside. Stay here for 3–5 breaths, and try to keep your feet
and ankles touching. Release your grip on your ankles and slowly lower to the floor.
Lie on your belly with your head cradled in your hands for 3 breaths.

Dhanus = bow · asana = pose
Bow Pose


Strengthen your back and open your shoulders and

chest as you move step by step into Dhanurasana.




Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose

Strengthens your legs and back to support deeper backbends;
helps open your shoulders and neck

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your feet on the
floor, knees bent, with feet directly below your knees. On your
next inhalation, lift your hips off the floor. As your hips rise, reach
your hands toward each other and interlace your fingers—or place
your palms flat on the floor until your shoulders become more
mobile. Breathe deeply and begin to generate strong energy in
your legs. Ground your feet, and lift your hips. Squeeze your
shoulders back toward each other, and use your legs to aim your
sternum toward your chin. This motion should relieve stiffness in
the back of your neck and shoulders. Keep your head completely
relaxed, and hold for 8–10 breaths.

Eka Pada Dhanurasana One-Legged Bow Pose

Strengthens your legs and back; lengthens your hip flexors and
creates balance; helps increase energy and stamina

Begin by lying on your belly with both of your arms at your sides,
palms facing up. On an inhalation, squeeze your shoulder blades
back, and begin to lift your chest and head off the ground. On your
next exhalation, press your left leg into the floor as you bend your
right knee, lifting the entire right leg off the floor. Reach both hands
toward your right ankle and grab it firmly. As you breathe and hold
the pose, start intensifying the energy in your bent leg by lifting it
higher or by using it to pull your chest and shoulders farther open
by moving toward straightening your bent leg. Take 5–10 breaths
here, and then put your right leg down. With your arms, make a
cradle to rest under your head, then repeat on the other side.
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