Yoga Journal Singapore — December 15, 2017

(Grace) #1

december 2017 / january 2018

Side Plank Pose
From here, with your right hand firmly
rooted into the floor and your core
engaged, exhale and lift your left foot,
stacking your left leg on top of your right.
Flex both feet, lift your hips, and extend
your left arm overhead for a deeper side
stretch. Hold for 3 breaths. Release your
left hand to the floor and push back to
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing
Dog Pose). Stay here or in Balasana (Child’s
Pose), resting for several breaths—or take
a vinyasa if you want to keep the heat
flowing! Then repeat poses 1–5 on the
other side.

Half Moon Pose
From Triangle Pose, exhale to bend your
left knee slightly, moving your bottom
hand about 6 inches in front of your left
foot. Align your left shoulder over your
left hand and your hips over your left leg,
firming and lifting your back leg to hip
height. Inhale to twist open, extending your
right arm to the sky. Hold for 5 breaths. To
exit, inhale to Warrior II. Lower your hands
down to either side of your front foot, and
move to Downward-Facing Dog—with or
without a vinyasa.

Extended Triangle Pose
From Warrior II, straighten your left
leg without locking your knee. On an
exhalation, lower your left hand to the
outside of your left foot, and externally
rotate and extend your right arm toward the
sky. Root your feet firmly into the ground
with your left hand (or fingertips) beneath
your left shoulder. Inhale into your chest,
broadening through your collarbones and
gazing upward. Stay here for 5 breaths.

Lizard Pose, variation
From your version of Lizard Pose: On an
exhalation, add a right quad stretch by
bending your right leg and kicking your
heel toward your right glutes. Reach back
for your right ankle with your right hand.
Stay here for 5 breaths, then release your
right foot and return to Lizard Pose.

Extended Side Angle Pose, variation
From Down Dog, step your left foot forward,
coming into Warrior II. Exhale and place
your left hand to the inside of your
left ankle, pushing your triceps against
your inner thigh. Bring your right hand
behind your back. Try to bend your left
arm and clasp your hands (not shown).
With or without the bind, roll your right
ribs and shoulder backward. Lengthen
from your right hip through your spine.
Gaze up and hold for 5 breaths. Exhale;
release the bind. Inhale back to Warrior II.

Lizard Pose, variation
From Down Dog, inhale your left leg up,
then exhale to bring your left foot to the
outside of your left arm. Gently lower
your right knee to the floor. Square your
hips forward. Stay here or lower both
forearms to the floor. Feel free to let your
left knee splay open, or shift more weight
to the outer edge of your left foot. If your
forearms are down, curl your back toes
under and lift your right knee to stretch the
right hip flexor. Hold for 5 breaths.
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