Yoga Journal Singapore — December 15, 2017

(Grace) #1

Unable to sleep even though you are very

tired? Endless nights of sleeplessness

followed by days of lethargy and

sleepiness can sap your energy and leave

you feeling miserable.

Sleep is a way for our body and mind to

rest and rejuvenate. It is therefore essential

that we get our daily quota of sleep.

Different people can have different sleep

requirements, and while some might

feel refreshed with just five hours, others

might require more.

A deep restful sleep will ensure your body feels
rested and the mind refreshed. Sleeping too
little or too much can be physically detrimental
and can also dull your mental abilities. Sleep
deprivation is today a common ailment in our
fast paced lifestyles and constantly connected
society. Insomnia or sleeplessness can be caused
by many factors—stress, an over-stimulated mind,
too much activity and an absence of a winding
down routine, to name a few. Erratic mealtimes,
lack of exercise, worry and emotional turmoil,
along with an inability to let go, are some other
reasons. So either your lifestyle is not supporting
a deep sleep, or you are mentally and emotionally
stressed, which leads to restlessness, worry,
anxiety, galloping thoughts and an inability to
relax physically.

Meditation can help address both possibilities, and
lead to a restful, deep sleep that wakes you up
refreshed and rejuvenated for the day ahead.
december 2017 / january 2018
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