Yoga Journal Singapore — December 15, 2017

(Grace) #1
Meditation Technique 1 - Ana Pana Sati

Close your eyes as you lie on your bed, and relax yourself. Bring your attention to
your breath and become aware of how your body is breathing.

Allow the breath to be natural (do not regulate or control the breath in any way)
and simply allow your body to breathe naturally. Just focus on your inhalation
and exhalation and watch your breath as it comes in and goes out of your body.

If you can do this for three minutes, you will find that your muscles relax and you
become sleepy. Allow yourself to let go, and simply fall asleep with no thoughts.

Meditation Technique 2 - 4-2-6 breathing
This is a technique that I developed many years ago and it has many benefits for the
mind and the body.

Follow the process mentioned above for Ana Pana Sati, and as you watch your
breath, also start to mentally (and silently) count in tandem with the breathing.

As you breathe in, count to 4, hold to a count of 2, and release to a count of 6.
Inhale to 4, hold for 2, and release to a count of 6. 4-2-6-4-2-6-4-2-6 and so on.

Gradually, you will find that your mind becomes calm, your muscles relax, your
body releases tension and you become peaceful and open. You will begin to feel
sleepy. Allow yourself to simply fall asleep.

Meditation will help you sleep better, deeper and more restfully. Your sleep pattern
may also change to one that is most suited for your metabolism and lifestyle. Sleeping
hours can become longer or shorter, but with meditation, you will wake up feeling
refreshed and ready to take on the world!





Here are four tips to ensure you have a restful sleep:

Learn to Meditate
Meditation is a powerful way to train your mind to focus on the moment. It brings our attention to the present moment and teaches us
to reduce the flurry of thoughts in our minds. Meditation and mindfulness have been scientifically proven to help with anxiety, stress
and worry. A technique as simple as focusing on your breath can help create an internal state of relaxation and wellbeing. It is also a
very powerful way to quiet the chatter of the mind, and be in better control of your emotions.

Have a bedtime routine
A routine takes your mind off the stresses of the day and helps you focus on the task on hand. Reading a book, writing a journal,
listening to some classical music or even taking a shower before bedtime are different ways of easing your mind and body into a
relaxed state.

Be grateful for the day gone by
Develop the habit of mentally offering gratitude for the day gone by. Think of the positive experiences of the day and offer gratitude for
these events. Gratitude helps the mind become peaceful, calm and happy. Developing this bedtime routine helps you make peace with
the events of the day and also helps you set the foundation for the next day. 

Avoid stimulants
Avoid stimulants of all sorts before going to bed. This includes food based stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks,
sugar, and also digital stimulation such as laptops, phones and tablets. Electronic devices keep the mind stimulated and active. An
active mind finds it very difficult to unwind. Switch off all electronic devices at least an hour before you sleep.

Good Sleep Prescription: Step by Step

Eat a light dinner at least three hours before you
wish to sleep.

Don’t drink too much alcohol, as it will keep your
mind and body active.

Keep your bed room free of electronics (as much as
possible). Do not keep laptops, tablets or mobile
phones near your bedside. Televisions should be
outside the bedroom. Ideally you want as little
sensory stimulus in the bedroom as possible.

Take a shower or body wash before you come into
bed. Brush your teeth and ease your bladder.

Keep the room dark and airy. Silence is also
important, so if there is an excess of external light
or noise, use a sleeping mask and ear plugs to get
you ready for sleep.

Control the temperature of the room so that it is
comfortable for you.

Finally, if you read before you sleep, get hold of
some inspirational or wisdom literature at this time.
Stay away from over-stimulating material and

If the above step-by-step guide still doesn’t work, here
are two meditation techniques that will bring great
benefits to your sleeping patterns.


december 2017 / january 2018

Vikas Malkani is a leading teacher of meditation, a best-selling author, and the
founder of SoulCentre, Asia’s Premier Centre for Meditation, Mindfulness and Stress
Management. To read more and book a session with Vikas, visit
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