Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017



Find a comfortable seat and begin to pay attention to your
breath. Feel your belly gently moving as you inhale and
exhale. Stay here for a few moments until you feel peaceful
and calm. Imagine your body enveloped in a white light as
you mentally repeat the phrase,Iamlove, allowing the words
to synchronise with your breath. Stay here for three to ten
minutes. When you are ready, bring your hands together at
your forehead and bow to the teacher within.

From Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
inhale and extend your arms
straight above your head with
your fingertips reaching skyward. You
may leave your hands shoulder-width
apart or, if comfortable for your neck
and shoulders, bring your palms
together and gaze up. Feel your lower
body engage as you lengthen your
spine and gently lean back, lifting your
heart to the sky and gently activating
your core. You may wish to support
your lower back with your hands if
backbends are new for you or if
you feel any tenderness in your
lower back. Stay for three breaths.
To release, use your core strength
to slowly make your way back to

From sitting, make your way onto your belly, bringing your
hands underneath your shoulders. Gently press into your
hands as you elongate your spine and press the pinky toe
edges of your feet into the mat. On an inhale, begin to lift your
chest. Imagine opening your heart to the full potential of who
you are as you remind yourself that you are love. If it feels
comfortable for your neck, you can look towards the sky
(keeping the back of your neck long), but keep your gaze
down if this doesn’t feel right in your body. Stay for five
breaths then release one cheek to the floor to rest.

Create a cool body temperature and abate mental mayhem with this simple sequence.

Beat the HEAT

MOVING INTO the warmer months (particularly with the holiday season on the horizon) can leave us feeling over-heated
and overwhelmed. Sometimes this is reflected in our yoga practice, as we feel drawn to those classes that promise a
summer-ready physique. This simple sequence, which can be practiced at home, is designed to cool down the body,
increase calm in the mind and encourage self-acceptance for transitioning into summer with confidence.

Once complete, slowly make your way into Savasana
and stay resting for as long as you like, again visualising
your body surrounded by white light.

From standing, sweep your arms above your head as you inhale, and
exhale bring your hands through your heart centre as you release
forward. Bring your arms down by your sides and rest your hands
wherever comfortable (for a more restorative variation, clasp opposite
elbows with your hands). Feel your feet grounding down as you allow
your knees to soften. Feel the spine lengthen as you gently draw your
lower belly in and feel your upper body melting over your lower body.
Imagine any cares or worries easily pouring from the crown of your
head. Stay for ten breaths.
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