Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017


th l t t

There’s a new style of yoga in town
yogis, and it sounds pretty fun. Have
you ever been to a silent disco and
wondered what it would be like to
combine one with yoga? Well, now
you can find out! Flow After Dark silent
yoga disco consists of a 90-minute
vinyasa-style class led by Kate Kendall
and accompanied by DJ James Mack on
the decks. Guests wear noise-cancelling
headphones provided by Silent Sounds
which allows yogis to intimately connect
with the instructor and the music for the
most zen night out yet. “Anyone who
has taken one of my classes will know
that I’m passionate about making yoga
approachable and light-hearted. At an
event like this one, the idea is to feel
good, have fun and to use the practice
of yoga to amplify connection to self
and others,” says Kendall.

  1. Hold theice
    Loading up on chilled or frozen foods can be harmful, according to Ayurveda.
    The cold dampens your digestive fire, which minimises your body’s ability to
    absorb nutrients.

  2. Stock up onfruits and vegetables
    Vegetables such as spinach, salad greens, celery and cucumbers are
    considered bitter and astringent in Ayurveda, pacifying the fiery pitta
    dosha and giving them a cooling effect. Especially cooling fruits
    include dates, figs and pomegranates.

  3. Keep thespices
    There’s no need to ditch the hot meals in summer — just make sure
    you top them with cooling herbs such as coriander and mint.

  4. Eatof t en
    Go for lighter meals throughout
    the day for optimum digestion.

  5. Addessential oils
    to your skin
    Rose, sandalwood and vanilla used
    as a perfume (mixed with coconut oil
    as a base) help to keep your body cool.

We know subscription boxes are all
the rage — there’s nothing quite like
getting something special in the post!
But have you heard of the new yoga
lifestyle-inspired goodie box,
The Yoga Box? Melbourne-based
yoga teacher Barbora Beavan
created the boxes out of a passion
for wellbeing, yoga and all things
healthy living. She says,
“Our boxes are for anyone who
likes to practice yoga and is
passionate about healthy living.
They feature non-toxic skincare,
healthy snacks, teas,
supplements, jewellery and
home-wares with intention.”

Yoga inspiration


A psychologist from Stanford University, Dr Alia Crum, is proving that our
mindset has a dramatic impact on our health and wellbeing. Her recent study
tracked a group of female hotel housekeepers who spent most of their time
working on their feet. When asked if they exercise regularly, two-thirds
surprisingly said no, so Dr Crum set out to explore the results if she could change
the housekeepers’ mindsets. She took body measurements then split them into two
groups. Of the two groups, one was given a 15-minute presentation that detailed
how their work was good exercise. Four weeks later, the women who did not
receive the presentation hadn’t changed in body weight or fat, but the women who
had seen the presentation dropped weight and fat, and reduced blood pressure.

Mind over matter

Be the fi rst to email us with
‘yogabox’ as the subject and
receive a free yoga box!
[email protected]

Ayurvedic tips for

keeping cool this


Free download pdf