Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Hero Pose, variation
All of the gluteals must work to perform this
movement—the “deep six” external rotators
keep each side of the pelvis stable in spite
of the different actions in each hip, and the
larger gluteals add additional support for the
hips. This move forces your buttock muscles
to shore up their connection from the thighs
through to the lower back to keep the hips
and spine stable.
HOW TOWrap a strap around your ankles
and pull it taut like you would a bandage
(don’t fasten or buckle the strap). Position
your ankles in dorsiflexion so that the balls
of your feet are on the ground, and sit on
your heels while pulling the strap as snug
as possible. After 5 breaths, begin to actively
point (plantar flexion) your ankles and toes
by trying to push the floor behind you, as if
your toes are like a falcon’s talons clutching
a branch. Stay here for another 5 breaths. (If
you are unable to manage the pressure on
your feet and ankles, lean forward and place
your hands on the floor to redistribute some
of the weight.) Then, point your toes and
actively press the tops of your feet and ankles
into the ground (attempting dorsiflexion),
pulling the strap snugly again if the inner
ankle bones have drifted apart. Stay here for 5
breaths, then repeat all of these movements
once more.


Tree Pose, variation

Standing on one leg improves
balance and ankle stability,
which means it’s a good idea
to practice single-leg standing
poses often. This Vrksasana
variation promotes agility
in your lower legs, ankles,
and feet, while transforming
your lifted foot into a sensor
of sorts (which provides
feedback on the wobble
situation in your standing
ankle). This modification is
particularly great for those
who have trouble balancing
on one foot.

HOW TO Stand on your left
foot and bring your right foot
to the inside of the left ankle,
so the right foot becomes
a stabiliser and “sensor”
to monitor the left ankle’s
movement. If it’s wobbly,
home in on the ankle (see
“Why Wobbling Can Be a
Good Thing” on page 71) while
remaining connected to your
core and breath. Stay here
for 5–10 breaths, then switch

Calf Raises
This dynamic move strengthens the
front and back of your lower legs—
the prime “mover” of the ankle.
This seemingly simple motion builds
strength in the Achilles tendon, which
is where the gastrocnemius and soleus
(two calf muscles that help you elevate
your heel) converge, and then
transition behind the ankle joint into
connective tissues on the bottom
of your feet.
HOW TO Stand in Tadasana with
your feet facing forward, and sense your
body weight dispersing across your feet.
Push your toes into the ground and raise
onto the balls of your feet, attempting to
keep weight and pressure evenly
distributed across all of your toes. Slowly lower down
to the ground and then immediately rise again.
Keep in mind that the lowering portion of this move is
just as important as the lifting motion, so don’t rush it.
Repeat 10–20 times. If balancing is a challenge,
hold a wall, a counter, or a chair with one hand.

Namaste and Reverse
Namaste for the feet
This exercise strengthens the side-to-side motion of
your ankles by alternating between inversion and
eversion without the added strain from your body
weight that occurs when standing. These kinds of
unloaded lateral ankle movements improve range of
motion and deepen your understanding of how your
ankles move—ultimately helping prevent injury should
you turn your ankle.
HOW TOSit in Dandasana (Staff Pose) with your ankles
pinned together and actively dorsiflexed. Turn the soles
of your feet inward (inversion) as if to say Namaste with
your feet. Then, reverse the action, turning the soles of
your feet outward (eversion) as if
attempting Reverse Namaste with
your feet. Repeat both movements
10–20 times.

4 poses to keep your ankles healthy


november/december 2017

OUR PRO Writer Jill Miller is the co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and author of
The Roll Model. She has presented case studies at the Fascia Research Congress and the
International Association of Yoga Therapists Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research,
and she teaches at fitness and yoga conferences worldwide. Learn more at
Model Dayna Seraye is a yoga teacher and holistic-health coach in Boulder, Colorado.

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