Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Lesson three: Humility
With patience, came a deep sense of humility. The voice that
wanted to push and hustle was a glorious confrontation with my
ego. The struggle between what I ‘used to’ be able to do
compared to what I ‘could do’ now was a daily battle. My ego
met me on the mat each day with persistence. I had returned to
the stance of a new student, as opposed to an advanced
practitioner, and how my ego despised this iniquitous role
reversal. Each day, I was asked to show up with compassion,
with gentleness and with self-love. When my ego had settled on
the sidelines, I enjoyed moving through basic postures. I enjoyed
surrendering completing in Child’s Pose. I enjoyed focusing
greater periods of time on meditation and pranayama —
practices that often took second and third place to asana.

Lesson four: Gratitute
The final lesson of gratitude will come as no surprise here.
Each day I was grateful for the small steps forwards, no matter
how microscopic. The human body’s ability to heal is nothing
short of astonishing. Deprived of the ability to take my practice
for granted, each day presented pocket-size revelations that
made my heart swell with joyous appreciation. Not only was I
infinitely grateful for my own mending body, looking at my
injury in context of the greater picture, my temporary
discomfort was inconsequential compared to the struggles that
so many people face on a daily basis. And so each time my ego
shouted, each time I felt childish frustration or self-pity, I would
open my eyes to the reality of the situation — it was temporary;
a minor bleep in what I can only call a truly fortunate life.
These lessons are not small offerings, but have rather been
immense gifts that I hope will continue to have powerful
reverberations both on and off the mat. We are always students
in the journey of yoga. Each day is unique and offers a plentitude
of lessons if we are open to truly stepping into that place of
awareness, if we are truly open to the way things are, and not the
way we want them to be.

Kelly is a passionate writer and raw/vegan
chef who combines her love of writing with
her forays into health and wellness. Kelly has
travelled and worked across the world in
health resorts, detox centres, raw food
restaurants and wellness retreats, sharing
ways to live simply, mindfully and sustainably.
Recipes and e-books are available on Kelly’s

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