Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

11 Salabhasana Locust Pose
Lie on your belly with your arms at your
sides, palms down, forehead resting on
the floor. Turn your big toes toward each
other to inwardly rotate your thighs. On an
inhalation, lift your feet, knees, chest, and
arms from the earth, while pulling your
shoulders back. Hold for 3 breaths, silently
repeating the mantra: “I am alive.” Repeat
once more, then come into Child’s Pose.

12 Urdhva Dhanurasana
Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose
Lie on your back with your feet on the floor,
knees bent, and heels close to your sit
bones. Bend your elbows and spread your
palms on the floor beside your head,
fingers pointing toward your shoulders.
Exhale and push your tailbone up, then
place the crown of your head on the mat.
On your next exhale, lift your head off the
mat and straighten your arms. Stay here
for 3 breaths, silently repeating the mantra:
“I am bold.” Once you come out of the
pose, rest on your back with your knees
bent and touching one another in
Constructive Rest.

14 Uttanasana Frog Pose
Come to Child’s Pose and slide both
hands forward. Bring your knees wide
while sitting on your heels. Slowly,
and as you feel ready, lift your hips
and bring your knees wider, possibly so
they come to rest in line with your hip
points. For full Frog, separate your feet
as wide as your knees and flex your toes
toward your head. Pull your low belly up
and in, and try to surrender here. Hold at
least 10 breaths, silently repeating:
“I am open.”

15 Paschimottanasana
Seated Forward Bend
Come to a seated position on your mat
with your legs extended straight out in
front of you. On an inhalation, reach
your arms skyward to lengthen your torso.
On an exhalation, fold forward, leading
with your heart. Place your hands around
your feet, or hold a strap, as you continue
to move your torso toward your thighs.
Stay here for 3 deep breaths, silently
repeating the mantra: “I am free.”
Then, keep all of the actions you’ve just
created but round your back, feeling a
deep stretch through your shoulder blades.
Stay here for 3 more breaths, while you
silently repeat your mantra.


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13 Paripurna Navasana
Full Boat Pose
From Constructive Rest, engage your core.
On an inhale, lift your shoulders, torso, and
legs off the ground. If you can, straighten
your legs so your thighs are angled about
45–50 degrees from the floor, and lift
through the top of your sternum as you lean
back. Stretch your arms forward, parallel to
each other and the floor, and feel your heart
centre lift. Hold here for 5 breaths, silently
repeating: “I am stable.”

16 Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Make your way to Down Dog and walk your
hands toward your feet. (If you know you
need support, move to a wall.) Position your
shoulders directly over your hands and
tiptoe your feet toward your hands until your
hips are stacked over your shoulders. Hug
in toward your midline, then lift one leg up
overhead, followed by the other. Try not to
kick up, but rather use your core strength to
float into Handstand. Hold here for at least
5 breaths, silently repeating the mantra:
“I am new.” When you’re finished with
Handstand, rest in Child’s Pose and then
move into Savasana (Corpse Pose). Stay here,
resting completely, for at least 5 minutes.
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