We hold our breath during any act
of concentration in our daily life, for e.g
How this simple observation can be
interpreted to develop a technique
of practising ‘Breath Awareness to
Inculcate Mindfulness’ is beautifully
explained by Shri Yogendraji in his
book, “Guide to Yoga Meditation” in
Chapter 5 - Prana and Mind - “He who
has controlled his respiratory system
has controlled the activities of the
There are however two main causes
for the activties of Chitta -
- Vasana or desire or Klishta Vritti
arising out of Avidya (Yo g a Sutra II/4) - Prana or the persistency of energy
expressed mostly through the
breathing mechanics.
Thus breathing is lessened when the
mind becomes absorbed.
Just like breath sustains life of the
body, Prana sustains Chitta-Vritti. Thus
Chitta begins its activities where there
is Prana and Prana begins it activities
where there is mind. When they are
both present, the senses remain
engaged in their normal functions
leading to persistent fructification of
Now in this background, let us
understand what is the purpose
ractising Breathing Awareness
Dilip Tralshawala
to Inculcate Mindfulness
maintaining balance, while walking
on a narrow path
climbing a tree etc., against gravity
when we recollect a past event
when we listen with attention