Yoga and Total Health — December 2017

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Chapter 7.13

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Deluded by the three modes, the whole world does not know Me,

who am above the modes and Immutable.

houghts on

Tthe Gita

Smt. Hansaji J. Yogendra

The Samkhyas believe that the entire universe is made of three constituents
(Gunas) only. They are the intelligence (Sattva), active energy (Rajas), and the inert
dull mass (Tamas). This is accepted by all Indian thinking and is even endorsed by
modern physics. The three Gunas have taken complete charge of us, that is, either
we are dull, overactive, or just pure intelligence. We are full of ego then. We are
unable to see or go beyond them to reach the very highest principle that is God.
God is all knowing and all powerful and knows Sattva, Rajas, Tamas and uses them
in the creative process. But the three Gunas or the product of the Gunas, that is
tables and chairs, men and animals, do not see further than themselves. It is only
through yoga and self control and overcoming the ‘I’ sense that one can know the
spirit or pure consciousness/God.
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