Yoga Journal Singapore — December 01, 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Svadhisthana Chakra

(Sacral Chakra)

The sacral chakra enhances your ability to feel in this
world; it’s also what houses your innate sexual energy.
When it’s functioning optimally, you’ll experience
intense creative energy and feel connected to yourself
and your partner on an intimate level.
If you’re dealing with emotional or sexual trauma—
say, a breakup or some form of abuse—it’s possible
you may lose touch with, or partially shut down, this
energy center. The result: feelings of guilt, shame,
distrust, or unworthiness around sharing or honoring
your sexual energy.

This posture can stimulate the sacral chakra by activating strength in
your lower abdomen, hips, groin, and legs; the longer you hold this
pose, the more intense the heat in these areas will grow. (In fact, this
pose is sometimes called Fiery Angle Pose.) Practice Goddess Pose to
invoke and reinvigorate the fiery energy that’s within all of us.
HOW TO Step your legs a few feet apart, turning your feet out about
45 degrees. Bend your knees so they fall directly above your ankles,
making sure they point in the same direction as your toes. As you
hold this pose and it intensifies, feel your feet isometrically drawing
in toward one another. Draw in and up through your pelvic floor,
softly engaging your lower abdomen. Stay here for at least 5–10
slow, deep breaths.

december 2017 / january 2018

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