Yoga Journal Singapore — December 01, 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1


december 2017 / january 2018

Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
Anahata fuels your ability to give and receive love. It serves as your main emotional
center, which magnetically feels, and responds accordingly to, your every thought.
When your heart chakra is open and balanced, you feel a deep sense of love,
gratitude, and connection to all beings, including yourself—and you are able to see
each situation with love and compassion. When you are out of touch or closed off
to the energy in your heart center, you might feel sad, resentful, unloved, or unable
to give and receive love. This can happen after heartbreak, or when changes occur
within friends and family circles.

If you’re suffering through grief or heartbreak, your inclination may be to protect
your- self and shield your heart from the world. This posture—and backbends in
general— can help you expand your chest area, gently re-opening your heart center
so that you’re able to express and feel love again.

HOW TO Stand on your knees, keeping them hip-width apart with your shins parallel
to one another. Press the tops of your feet down into the earth, and place your hands
on the backs of your hips with your fingers pointing down. Expand your chest by
lightly drawing your lower abdomen in and up and your shoulder blades toward one
another. Lift upward to lengthen your spine as you start to bend backward. You may
even grasp your heels with your hands, using the fixed grip to lift and open your
chest even more. Stay here for 5–8 slow, deep breaths.
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