Yoga Journal Singapore — December 01, 2017

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Visuddha Chakra

(Throat Chakra)

Visuddha is the energy center of communication
and expression. It allows you to connect with your
life’s purpose and express it to the world. It is how
you share your thoughts and feelings with others,
and how you speak your truth. When this center is
in balance, you speak effortlessly with wisdom and
honesty. When it is blocked—which can happen when
something shifts in your life, when you’re feeling
unsure, or when you don’t voice how you truly feel—
your throat and neck might feel tight or strained, and
you may (literally) have a hard time speaking up for
yourself and expressing your beliefs.


This pose stretches and stimulates your neck and throat
muscles—and the glands that regulate metabolism and
hormonal levels. Physically stretching and lengthening
the front of your neck brings fresh circulation to throat
tissues and allows energy to flow more freely within
your throat chakra.

HOW TO Lie on your back with your legs together,
forearms close to your body. Begin lifting your rib cage
and chest toward the sky while allowing your head
to relax backward. Gently lift and place the crown of
your head on your mat, drawing your shoulder blades
together to expand and broaden your chest and throat.
Stay here for 5–8 slow, deep breaths.

december 2017 / january 2018
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