Divorce with Decency

(Kiana) #1

Case Histories, Anecdotes, and War Stories 179

My client Margaret had described her husband Harold’s poten-
tial for violence. Accordingly, I had taken extra-careful preventive
measures to protect her as we negotiated toward a settlement.
Once the settlement was reached and the decree was issued, the
results were reasonably fair to both sides. The case was closed...
or so we thought.
It wasn’t until several months later that I learned from my for-
mer client just what a terrible time bomb Harold really was. Har-
old had invited Margaret to come to his apartment a few weeks
after the divorce was final, ostensibly to pick up a few of her per-
sonal items that were still at the home, which he had retained.
Upon her arrival, and after a drink together to show there were
no hard feelings, Harold grabbed Margaret, bound and gagged
her, and proceeded to burn her with cigarettes. He then raped
her repeatedly (even using various objects such as bottles and a
broom handle).
It was not until more than three days later, when Harold went
out for more beer, that Margaret managed to get free enough of
her gag so that she could scream for the neighbors, who freed
her. Harold faced criminal charges, of course. Margaret faced a
lifetime of sleepless nights, psychic terror, and insecurity.

Lessons learned:
There is often no end to the vengeance a spurned spouse feels, even
after divorce.
— Contributed by attorney Jack Durham, former associate,
Coates & Frey

Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

Jesse walked into my office, nervous, unsure, almost too afraid
to ask for what she really wanted. She wanted a divorce. “I need
to be free,” she said. “Even after all this time, after all these years,
I’m still terrified of him.” The conviction in her voice convinced
me. It would have convinced anyone.
Jesse was a pleasant local Hawaiian-Japanese woman, about
thirty years old. She was born and raised in the islands. She met
Jeff, a dashing young fireman from Chicago. He stole her heart

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