Divorce with Decency

(Kiana) #1

24 DIVorCe wItH DeCenCY

the vocabulary of a three-year-old boy and it is 100 percent com-
prehensible. Boys develop the right side of their brain faster than
girls. This gives boys better spatial, logical and perceptual skills.
They see in three dimensions and are better at video games...
this despite their limited brain locations for speech. 6) Men have
around four billion more brain cells than women, but women
score 3 percent higher in general intelligence than men, despite
having slightly smaller brains. 7) Girls do better and develop
faster. In school, they succeed in language, English and the arts.
Boys do better at math, science, building, puzzles, problem solv-
ing, reading maps and navigation (i.e., spatial tasks). Boys who
are good at math outnumber girls by thirteen to one. 8) Women’s
handwriting is generally more legible than men’s.

II. Different Values

  1. Female awareness is focused on communication, cooperation,
    harmony, love, sharing and people’s relationships to one another.
    Male awareness is concerned with getting results, achieving goals,
    status, and power, beating the competition and getting efficiently
    to the bottom line. 2) Women are more internal and define their
    own self-worth by the quality of their relationships, whereas men
    define themselves by their work, sports, careers and other exter-
    nal accomplishments. 3) Girls like people. Girls’ brains are wired
    to respond to people and faces. Boys like things. Boys’ brains
    respond to objects and their shapes. 4) Women value relation-
    ships and they talk when stressed. Men value work, hate to be
    wrong, and clam up when stressed. They also love to “hang with
    the boys,” tend to hide their emotions and hate advice. 5) Women
    love shopping, are faithful, fall out of love and often can’t (and
    don’t want to) separate love from sex. Men hate shopping, are
    promiscuous, fall in love easily and do tend to separate sex from
    love. 6) Women need monogamy, use first names (“Mitzie Dear-
    est”) to increase closeness. Men avoid commitment, use nick-
    names (“Hey Butthead... yes, you Numbskull”) to avoid inti-
    macy. 7) Women like people and cooperate. Men like things and
    compete. 8) Seventy to eighty percent of women say the most
    important priority is their families. Seventy to eighty percent of
    men say that the most important part of their lives is their work.

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